SLR Pics Photography


Capture Your Memories With SLRPics


Portrait photography specialist


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  The process is always easy to set a date and book with us. Looking forward to your request. Talk to you soon.

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Shane was hired as the photographer @ my 50th Birthday Celebration and he did not disappoint. The photos were absolutely beautiful and I must say he captured the moments that takes me back to that very day. He exudes professionalism and his work is phenomenal. - Minerva Henry

Great photos very professional and on time! Easy communication would recommend. - Shehzad Shah

My husband and I scheduled a photo beach session to celebrate our 10 year anniversary! Shane did not disappoint! He was very professional and passionate. It was obvious that he loves what he does! It started out to be a beautiful day....but then it rained. Shane assured us he would make it work and he did! He was patient with us and waited out the rain. Beautiful! I can't wait to see our pictures! If you plan on being in the pompano beach area, I recommend you check him out! - Terri Cantrell-Harrison

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